Welcome to Real Components

Real Components is stocking distributor of obsolete and hard-to-find electronic components with the sole purpose of providing the highest quality electronic components at the most affordable prices. Our philosophy is to make it easy on the customer to search and request a quote while providing a smooth and stress free purchasing experience.

Counterfeit Detection and Quality Assurance

It is extremely important that our customers receive the highest quality parts. Parts are inspected before shipping to ensure they meet and exceed all quality standards. It is our mission to reduce the amount of counterfeit components in the electronic component industry, while providing our customers peace of mind.

Buying Electronic Components

To get the best pricing on electronic components it is best to call, or request a quote online. Market prices change all the time on electronic components. Simply buying based on the pricing listed online might not reflect current prices. Save money and request a quote to get the current market value.

Our Sales Associates

The staff of Real Components has over 20 years of experience in the electronic parts procurement industry. The representatives that will service your quote are trained in every facet of electronic component quality assurance. We know it is the most important factor in whom you choose to purchase electronic components from. To the right of the screen you will find our Quick Quote form. Simply fill the form out with your requirements and we will respond ASAP. Quotes received are good for 30 days.

Give us a call today! We look forward to doing business with you.
The Real Components Team

Component Manufacturers

A sampling of the manufacturer components that we can provide.

Aavid Thermalloy | Allegro Microsystems | Allen Bradley | Altera | Amphenol | Analog Devices | Atmel | Bourns | Burr Brown | Cypress Semiconductor | Deutsch Components | Fairchild | Freescale | International Rectifier | Intersil | Lattice | Linear Technology | Linfinity | Maxim | Microsemi | Motorola | National Semiconductor | NXP | ST Micro Electronics | Texas Instruments | Thomas & Betts | Vishay | Xilinx
Request a Quote!
Please fill out our secure SSL encrypted form below and a sales associate will reply ASAP with pricing. You can also call 888-505-9609 for immediate assistance. Thank you for choosing Real Components. We look forward to doing business with you.

Contact Information
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Email: For receiving of quote only. We do not send newsletters, or sell info to third parties.
Parts To Quote
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